Sexual Addiction Recovery Program

Recover yourself and your family from the struggles of compulsive sexual behavior

What is sex addiction?

Sexual addiction is defined as any sexually-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one's work environment.

Sexual addiction has been called sexual dependency and sexual compulsivity. By any name, it is a compulsive behavior that completely dominates a person’s life, and often, the lives of those around them. Sexual addicts make sex a priority more important than family, friends, and work. Sex becomes the organizing principle of addict's lives. 

Am I a sex addict?

No single behavior pattern defines sexual addiction. These behaviors, when they have taken control of addicts' lives and become unmanageable, include: compulsive masturbation, compulsive heterosexual and homosexual relationships, pornography, prostitution, exhibitionism, voyeurism, indecent phone calls, child molesting, incest, rape and violence. Even the healthiest forms of human sexual expression can turn into self-defeating behaviors. While an actual diagnosis for sexual addiction should be carried out by a mental health professional, the following behavior patterns can indicate the presence of sexual addiction. Individuals who see any of these patterns in their own life, or in the life of someone they care about, should seek professional help.

Much hope nevertheless exists for these addicts and their families. Sex addicts have shown an ability to transform a life of self-destruction into a life of self-care, a life in chaos and despair into one of confidence and peace.

Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D.
Author of Out of the Shadows

What can I do about it?

The Sexual Recovery Program of CPCC is designed to provide people with addictions/compulsions and their families with the tools and support to find hope, healing, and lasting recovery from sexual addiction and compulsive behaviors. Through individual and group therapy, people learn how to reclaim their lives, reestablish trust, and restore hope in their future. Effective and long-lasting recovery is more than temporarily stopping the behavior. Effective therapy addresses the underlying issues in creating a permanent, long-lasting recovery.

To accomplish this, SRP is divided into 2 levels of group therapy. We strongly suggest that participants also participate in individual and/or couples therapy, along with a 12-step SAA program. Highly trained and licensed therapists lead each group and type of counseling. Workbooks such as Facing the Shadow, along with other materials and exercises, are used throughout the program and are included in the price.