What is Meditation and How is it Used?

2020-03-24 00:00:00 Natasha Griffin


It is important to take time for yourself, to spend a moment to check in with you. Slowing down and attuning to ourselves may feel odd. What is it we are supposed to be checking for? How can we slow down and listen to our breath when we barely have enough time to finish our tasks at hand? Is it normal to feel guilty when taking a moment to slow down? In our society we are told to keep things constantly moving and always looking ahead. We live in a busy hustle and bustle world and it is easy to get caught up and feel rushed. When this happens we begin to feel an array of emotions that may feel big. It becomes overwhelming or hard to check in and sort out what emotions are being felt and where they are coming from. In these moments it is important for us to take a breath and slow ourselves down.

Here are some tips to try out to begin the practice of slowing down:

  • Listen to your favorite podcast
  • Draw or color
  • Read a book you enjoy
  • Spend time in nature
  • Practice breathing and controlling your breath

Many assume that mediation looks like sitting on the floor with your legs crossed or paying for an expensive class. The focus of meditation is slowing the mind and body down. Slowing down the body and nervous system can be achieved in many ways to help calm down the thoughts.

During meditation it is okay to have thoughts pop into your mind, you can follow those thoughts and give them attention until they are ready to dissipate into the background. You can also have movement, if you find it too challenging to sit still in the beginning try walking meditation or movement as part of your practice. In understanding what meditation is used for it helps get an understanding of the different styles you can try.


This blog was written by Natasha Griffin, Trainee. Natasha is supervised by Danielle Fitch, LMFT #94672

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