How CPCC is Keeping You Safe

2020-07-27 00:00:00 Andrew Huber

CPCC wants to protect your physical health as well as your mental health. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic we have instituted some new protocols to safeguard the health of our clients and society at large. Please partner with us in reducing the harmful effects of this virus.

Action taken:

  • Increased internet quality to make certain video telehealth sessions are excellent.
  • Sanitized rooms and furniture before and after clients walk into the room.
  • Separate client entrances between upstairs and downstairs.
  • Closed our lobby and set up screening areas for check in.
  • Increased cleaning of common areas or commonly used items.
  • Added air filters to many of our therapy offices.
  • Screen staff temperatures daily.

Actions we ask you to take:

  • Please be on time for all appointments so that we can complete these procedures without it affecting your treatment time.
  • Wait in the car and text your therapist when you have arrived.
  • Your therapist will take your temperature and help you complete a Health Assessment agreeing to the questions before entering.
  • Wear a face covering in all common areas.
  • Do not bring in food/drink and limit your belongings. Snacks are no longer available at the exit door.
  • You can use the restroom but please use it before you leave your house if possible.
  • Observe all signage in the office.



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