Is Anxiety Forever?

2014-05-30 03:05:41 Blogging Team

Do you worry about the future and feel anxious throughout the day more often than not?  If so, read on to learn more about anxiety and how we may be able to help.

Anxiety is a very real phenomenon that occurs in the normal lives of every human being.  It derives from our bodies’ ‘fight or flight’ response to threat.  What helped early humans avoid attacks from predators still helps us today to combat threats to our personal security.  The adrenaline rush you feel before a big test or meeting is completely normal and often is the push we need to do better, study hard, work longer, etc.

However, sometimes our bodies respond with a rush of adrenaline that creates anxiety to non-specific threats, such as ambiguous fears about the future.  This type of anxiety takes a negative toll on our bodies.  This can manifest itself in physical symptoms, such as headaches and nausea, or in psychological symptoms such as restlessness.  When this happens, we must consider if the threat is a serious danger or an unlikely scenario that is building up in our heads.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder develops when ambiguous anxieties are not easy to shake off and begin to seriously impact our everyday lives.  This can lead to depression like symptoms such as a lack of motivation and focus.  People begin to see the anxiety as overwhelming and therefore cease to perform properly in everyday activities, such as work and relationships.  

Persons suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder often benefit from seeking the help of a licensed therapist.  Here at CPC Counseling we have licensed therapists and interns who are capable of providing counseling to those who suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  If you see any of the aforementioned symptoms in your life and think you could benefit from counseling, please contact us to schedule an appointment to begin the road to seeking help and combating Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

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