Three Practical Ways To Create A Joyful Life

2015-01-12 17:13:08 CPCC Blogging Team

Foster Joyfulness In Yourself With These Practices

Does it seem that every time you pick up a paper you see more chaos? With protests sweeping the nation and violence all over the world, it can be easy to feel discouraged and down. Change, however, can start with you. Implement these practices to bring more joy into your own life and you might be surprised how your changes will spread.

  1. Give What You Need: It is easy to sit in despair and think of all the things you feel you are lacking: attention, love, security, community, etc. Whatever you feel you need, the odds are high that someone else feels the same need. Instead of wallowing, try to give to someone else that for which you feel a need. If you are lonely, call someone you know has few friends. Seeing the need fulfilled in someone else will satisfy something in you.
  2. Be Gracious With Others And Yourself: Nothing can harden a heart like an un-relinquished pain. If you have been hurt by someone or by yourself, take the time you need to grieve any inflicted losses but make sure you do not stay in a place of sadness. Remember that we are all humans doing the best we can, and forgive yourself or the person who hurt you. Extending grace to a former enemy may not make any difference to them, but it will lighten your own load.
  3. Engage Your Body And Your Mind: Touch. Taste. Feel. See. Hear. When you are outside, take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty, even if it is something as small as a dandelion growing through a sidewalk crack. Use your hands to prepare a meal for someone in need and enjoy the aromas of the meal. Listen to the people in your life and savor the stories they have to share.

If you are hungry for help along the path to a more joyful life, contact Community Presbyterian Counseling Center in San Ramon today.  CPCC therapists have found that individuals describe counseling as particularly helpful with point number two, “Be Gracious With Others and Yourself.”  Working with a therapist may help you learn how to forgive and grow beyond being stuck and in pain.  

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