The Power of Gratefulness

2015-11-25 18:29:56 Teagan Darnell

There is always a silver lining, but sometimes you have to search for it. Being grateful isn't also something that comes naturally to most people, more often it is a mindset and attitude that is cultivated with intention. Our brains are wired with the negativity bias to look for what might go wrong. It is a survival mechanism that serves us well, but it can also keep us stuck in negative thinking. Fortunately, counteracting this negativity bias is possible when you begin practicing gratefulness on a daily basis.

Gratefulness can be as simple as taking a moment to appreciate something that you usually don't think much about. You can be grateful that you woke up feeling well rested, you can be grateful that you hit less traffic than usual, or you can be grateful that your coworker took care of something that you would have had to do. That being said, it's very easy to forget to be grateful about small things. Sometimes it seems easier to be mad about small things instead, which is why cultivating gratefulness requires intention. It takes effort to counteract our negativity biases, but the payoff is worth it.

When we purposefully practice gratefulness, we can experience positive benefits like improved mood, increased energy, increased hope, and increased resilience. Many people find that being grateful helps them make it through tough times and allows them to face difficult circumstances without becoming overly discouraged. Life can be hard, and that is why being grateful can afford you a healthier perspective when you search for the silver lining.  

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