Understanding Anxiety

2015-06-15 15:45:38 CPCC Blogging Team

How Anxiety Disorders Can Affect A Life

We all have had times—even entire seasons of life—that we would characterize as stressful. We know that when our minds feel anxiety or fear, our bodies respond. This is scientifically proven; under stress, your brain triggers the release of certain chemicals into your bloodstream, your heart begins to beat faster, your breathing becomes more shallow, your mind races, and your muscles tense. This is the fight, flight, or freeze reaction.

Just imagine if you never got a reprieve from those emotions and sensations, your body and mind always hyperalert, ready to respond to the next crisis. That is the life of people suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. For millions of Americans, these feelings of stress are an everyday ordeal that can interfere with their lives.

How is anxiety disorder different from the normal feelings of stress all individuals experience? First, note if your anxiety feels like it is out of proportion or out of control. If an individual’s anxiety is characterized by being much greater than a normal response to the situation, lingering much longer than it should, and feeling overwhelming and debilitating to the individual, it is likely a symptom of generalized anxiety disorder.

Does this sound like something with which you may be struggling? If you have spent six months or longer worrying about things that are not realistic or putting too much energy into your worry, you may be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. Perhaps you have felt anxious for so long, that you don't remember what it feels like to be relaxed or calm. If you have noticed that your life is interrupted by your feelings of worry and fear, consider seeking help.

If you are suffering from anxiety, know that you can get relief. To talk with someone who can help you work towards overcoming your anxiety, contact the Community Presbyterian Counseling Center in San Ramon, California. Our staff is trained and experienced in helping people get free from their anxious feelings. We care about helping you find peace in your life; call us today!



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