The Adventure of Us

2018-01-19 00:00:00 Lauren Gibson

Marriage has presented itself as a kaleidoscope in today’s modern society. The ways in which marriage has been shaped has evolved over the span of thousands of years through social, theological, and cultural aspects of our world. Why is sharing your life with the person you love so difficult at times? Marriage is designed to be a space where partners are encouraged to be able to authentically be themselves and love one another. The creation of the space in one's relationship allows each partner to thrive, grow, and develop as an individual and as a couple. However, as your relationship changes with time, so will this sacred space in which you originally created for one another.  As new goals, children, work and outside influences enter the relationship, life changes, and the relationship is forced to adjust to these influences to continue to prosper and flourish. This ultimately requires constant re-evaluation of the relationships dynamic and shared decision making on how to circumvent the potholes in life that inevitably appear.

Acknowledging that relationships are a shared partnership is stating that you are for one another, unconditionally, and that you do your best to defend against allowing the little things to chart a scorecard that gradually escalates into a mountain of criticism. Marriage is to be seen as a journey, and ultimately an adventure, in order to expand one’s understanding of him/herself and the world around them. As you shift to view your own relationship as an adventure, I hope you are encouraged to explore, learn, play, and grow knowing that life has seasons - “to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3).

Faith, Couples, Parenting, Women, Men, Mental Health, Marriage, Therapy, Conflict, Family


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