More Than Happy: Joy In What Matters Most

2015-03-09 22:39:14 Emily Chandler, MS, MFTI

When Happiness Falls Short, Seek Meaning

Studies reveal that the majority of Americans report that they are generally happy and are not burdened by too many life stresses. That makes sense, as we live in a society obsessed with helping us all find happiness and comfort. Unfortunately, happiness is often a surface-level feeling and even though many report feeling happy, they also report lacking meaning in their lives.

Viktor Frankl, a Jewish neurologist, was taken to a concentration camp in 1942, where he was imprisioned for three years. He survived until the camp was liberated, and wrote a powerful book titled Man’s Search For Meaning in which he explored his conviction that the difference between the people who lived through the camp and those who perished was meaning. Without meaning, he says, they did not have what they needed to survive.

While it is human nature to seek happiness, or feeling good, animals also pursue their own means to feel good. What sets humans apart is our drive to find meaning in our lives.

You find meaning when you look past yourself and your present moment to see out how you can contribute to others and the world. While happiness centers around taking to make oneself feel as good as possible, meaning focuses on giving. How can you give in order to serve the people around you, your community, and your society?  This Saturday morning I’m going to go serve at an under resourced elementary school in Oakland, though a very real part of me feels tired and dreams of pillows, naps, and reading my newest novel.  Yet, I have to remind myself that it always makes me smile to hear feedback from the teachers and parents to say what a difference it makes and how excited the kids get when they come back to school and see how beautiful the rooms look.

Happiness is fleeting, but meaning remains. Do not be buffeted by the winds of life; seek out meaning to anchor yourself through the changing seasons.

Are you unsure how to seek out purpose? You deserve to have a guide to help you find the meaning in your own life. To be joined in your journey, contact the committed professionals Community Presbyterian Counseling Center in San Ramon, California.

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