More Than Happy: Joy in Struggle

2015-02-23 16:19:36 CPCC Blogging Team

Staying Positive Through Difficult Times

Life, unfortunately, brings trials. Difficult times are part of the human experience, and can come out of nowhere and knock you off of your feet. How do you get back up? And perhaps more importantly, how do you stay joyful even in the thick of a tough time? To help you stay positive during a tribulation and encourage you to see the light at the end of the tunnel, use these tips.

  • Get Creative: When there is an obstacle in your path, it can feel overwhelming to look at how high you will need to climb to get over it. Have you, however, considered going around? Take some time to think about creative solutions to getting through this time of your life. Is there someone else who can help? Is there a healthy activity into which you can pour your energy until the storm passes? Engage your mind and you may be surprised how much you can empower yourself.
  • Be Honest With Yourself: Some of our problems are caused by external factors, but some are caused by ourselves. Take a true look at your situation, and understand what led you into it. If you were the catalyst, do not worry! The power to change yourself is entirely in your own hands. Take small steps towards becoming your best self and you will not only avoid similar difficult times in the future, but you will have positive energy driving you through your current situation.

Are you going through a difficult time and looking for a partner to come alongside you as you overcome it? To get help in good times and bad, contact the Community Presbyterian Counseling Center in San Ramon, California. Our dedicated team is here to help you on your path to your happiest, healthiest, most victorious self. You deserve to have someone to walk through this difficult season with you; call us today!

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