More Than Happy: Joy In Overcoming My Past

2015-03-02 16:34:04 CPCC Blogging Team

Freeing Yourself From The Strings Of Your History

Life is a path that constantly moves forward, but sometimes it can be easy to turn and look behind you instead of focusing on the journey ahead. Whether you are reliving a difficult time, mistake you made, or past hurt inflicted by an unkind or uncaring person, being hung up on the past can prevent you from fully enjoying the present moment.

Letting go of the past is not something you can just “do.”  This part cannot be emphasized enough: it is a process that takes time and energy. To help you, here are a few steps that can keep you moving forward on your journey.

  • Prepare: Facing difficult memories is never easy, but if you do not confront them they will be allowed to fester, poisoning your mind and your heart. Take stock of your past, accept that you cannot change it, and remind yourself that anything hurtful or insulting said about you is untrue.
  • Reflect: Take time to think about the things that make you special. Write down what you like about yourself. It can feel awkward, but doing so will help you temper any negative self-thoughts that creep up as you address your past. Gather people around you who support your healthiest, most whole self and say goodbye to people or habits that encourage you to keep living in a painful past.
  • Heal: Know that you are a new, fully redeemed person. Your past does not define you. You are free! Remind yourself everyday that you get a fresh start with each new morning. Put your energy towards enjoyable, healthy practices so you can replace the negative thoughts you are releasing with positive ones.

Sometimes you need a partner to come alongside you to help you keep moving forward. To get professional, caring guidance in your journey to freedom, contact the Community Presbyterian Counseling Center in San Ramon, California.  Some clients find group settings particularly helpful for this type of issue, you may want to call and inquire about open men’s or women’s groups that can assist you in letting go of past hurts.

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