More Than Happy: Joy In Being Content

2015-03-25 22:53:10 CPCC Blogging Team

Cultivate Contentment In Your Life With These Practices

Happiness is a fleeting sentiment of feeling good in one moment until something comes to change your mood. Contentment, on the other hand, is a lasting, grounding sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that does often lead to feelings of happiness but is not as temperamental. Contentment will anchor you through the storms of life. So you can lead your most contended life, consider this advice.

  • Do Not Look To Others For Validation: Other people can make you feel happy, but you should not let others control your contentment. Do not place too much value on a single comment. No one knows your journey so do not let people speak too strongly into your experience.
  • Practice Gratitude: Nothing can make you feel worse than not having what you need. If, you think about it, though, odds are you already have many essentials. Take some time to remember everything you do have, tangible or not. Remember the people in your life that have come alongside you, the natural beauty to which you have access, the capabilities your body has, and the fact that every morning you get a chance at a new day.
  • Slow Down: Make time to be still and silent regularly. This will allow you to regain your center so you can find joy in the little things instead of rushing past them. Disconnect from the digital age and get back to your passions each week so you can be re-energized and have the vigor you need to pursue contentment each day.

Cultivating contentment takes time and diligence. You can have a dedicated team walk alongside you as you pursue your most contented life by contacting the team Community Presbyterian Counseling Center in San Ramon, California.  What one thing are you going to do this week to implement to cultivate more contentment?  I think I’ll work on shutting my technology down by 9:30pm each night and spending some time slowing down, being silent, and drinking some tea.  It’s been several months now since I have done that daily, but I believe it is a great end to the day and helps me start each day feeling more at peace as well.

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