Importance of Peer to Peer Interaction

2020-04-30 00:00:00 Natasha Griffin


Humans are social beings, we need to be around others to thrive. Each person requires some type of interaction to feel connected,  both introverts and extroverts alike. During this shelter in place order. It is important now more than ever that we all work towards finding ways to receive peer to peer interactions. Having a lack of physical contact with one another in our community will affect the ways we communicate and relate to one another. In this way, the physical distance can cause feelings of isolation and loneliness to emerge. We need to remember that it is important we connect with those around us during these times. We need social support when going through the changes we have endured. Humans are able to adapt but that doesn’t mean we do not feel the effects mentally through the feeling of stress. We have to practice self love and understanding towards ourselves and be patient with ourselves and one another and remember the following transitions we are going through: 

  • Becoming acclimated to working from home
  • Having our spouses and children around all the time
  • Learning to help children is school
  • Adapting to technology and new ways of communication
  • Possible financial changes
  • Sitting with the things we cannot control
  • Learning to be present

 During all of these changes it is important we come together and support one another on a human level. Hopefully, now is a time to connect with those in your household on a deeper level. Take this time to reconnect with your spouse and your children. Children are under stress and look towards their parents for reassurance. Being able to have open and honest conversations in the house about what is going on and what we can do will help them cope with the changes. It is clear that many changes have occurred and we are all getting acclimated. It is more important now than ever for us to come together in solidarity and spread kindness one way or another. In doing this we can provide hope to one another in these trying times.


This blog was written by Natasha Griffin, Marriage and Family Therapy Trainee. Natasha is supervised by Danielle Fitch LMFT #94672


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