How to Congratulate a Graduate

2020-06-16 00:00:00 Natasha Griffin


Milestones are an important thing to celebrate and graduation ceremonies are the traditional sendoff here in the community we currently reside in. This year we have had an abrupt shift occur in our school system. This means our high school kids have unfortunately missed out on many milestones that would have occurred their senior year. They missed out on prom, grad night and their graduation ceremonies, to name a few. All these events usually help wrap up their high school careers and gives them a chance to create long lasting memories. All these events give space for reflection on what their lives will look like once they are no longer in the presence of their peers. Additionally, for college graduates, they have been thrown into the “real world” at a hard time. Looking for work and deciding how to enter the working world during a worldwide pandemic is an added stressor. They may be worried about how to enter the fields they chose and how this pandemic will shift what that looks like for them.

Not being able to enjoy these events with friends and family makes it hard to have closure around ending the school year. Many friends and family want to honor the success of their loved one but do not know how to celebrate. Below are some ways to reach out and help your graduate feel supported and uplifted:

  1. Create a ceremony for the graduate with close friends and family.
  2. Have a drive by parade to celebrate their achievements.
  3. Decorate with accolades of their achievements.
  4. Senior photos to capture the event.
  5. Partake in any events the school tries to hold to help students feel surrounded by their community.
  6. Create your own way of celebrating traditions.

The important thing to take away from the celebration is honoring the graduate and giving them a chance to celebrate all that they have achieved. Being a student is no easy thing, and it is important to celebrate all that the student has worked towards and overcome.


Natasha Griffin is a Marriage and Family Therapist, Trainee. She is supervised by Danielle Fitch, LMFT #94672.


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