Ease the Transition to College with These Tips

2014-10-10 21:53:54 CPCC Blogging Team

College should be one of the best times of a teenager’s life. If can also pose some problems, especially when it comes to making the transition from living at home to moving away to college. Make sure to keep these tips in mind to ensure that you start your college career the right way.

  • Stay organized. Living on your own means that you have to balance everything on your own. From homework to laundry, it is important to make sure everything gets done. Keeping a calendar or to do list will help ease your mind and keep you on track.
  • Take care of yourself. It is very easy to forget about a balanced diet and getting enough sleep with all the excitement of college. Make sure to take some time out of each day to focus on yourself to ensure that you stay happy and healthy.
  • Make new friends. Making new friends at school does not mean that you are abandoning your friends in your hometown. Create a balance between the two different groups to ensure that you have the strongest support system possible.
  • Navigate roommates. Issues with roommates are among the most common relationship issues faced during college. Make sure to assert yourself with your roommates without being mean or spiteful. Laying out rules during the first week can help to lay the groundwork for a strong friendship.
  • Get to know your RA and advisor. Both of these people are there to help you navigate college. They can help you through any issues you may have, from problems in your classes to problems with your friends.
  • Call home. Remember that your parents are also adjusting to you moving out of the home, which can be very stressful. Regularly call home to keep them updated with all the fun you are having at school.

For more information on how to make your first year of college the best it can possibly be, contact Community Presbyterian Counseling Center in San Ramon, California.  

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