Badge of Busy

2017-10-06 16:13:26 Lauren Gibson

Some days I feel like an octopus with eight different tentacles all attempting to complete my compiled “to do list” and truthfully, it sometimes feels like I’m Superwoman to be able to complete all the various tasks. However, a life of crazy busy is truly a life without peace. A life of business is often marked by decisions created by thoughts of seeking the approval of the world and not God’s and is founded in “should do” scenarios.  Therefore, the question that I often challenge myself with is asking:
are the things compiled on my to do list the result of things I want to do or feel called to or, are the things that I feel that I am obligated to do?

It is a dangerous position to overlook signs of over exceeding our capacity and the need to embrace self-care that ultimately allows us to live out our calling and passion(s). Contrary to popular belief, we all have limits therefore, it is invaluable to remain mindful to the signs in which our bodies tell us when we need to slow down. Some signs may be seen through emotional, physical, relational, and/or spiritual signs. Some questions that you may consider possibly asking yourself might include…

  • How much sleep am I getting?
  • How is my appetite and/or am I eating healthy?
  • How is my relationship with my friends/spouse/co-workers/family (etc.)?
  • How is my relationship with God?

Although self-care may appear as selfish, self-care is truly one of the most selfless choices an individual can implicate into his or her life. In incorporating self-care, individuals are able to become more aware of their own needs and become restored in order to further live out their passion(s) and purpose. By incorporating self-care, individuals are ultimately being a good steward of his/her time and energy. A few ways to consider introducing self-care may include…

  • Quiet music
  • Solitude
  • Spending time with family
  • Prayer
  • Exercise
  • Journaling and/or reading

The Lord created us with a limitless capacity to love others. However, He also made us with bodies that require rest. Therefore, as we strive to continually work and progress, I hope that you would consider introducing self-care into your life.

Children and Teens, Mental Health, Spirituality, Family, Stress, Mindfulness, Self-care


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